I'll be missing you.
Pratade med dom från vårdcentralen förut. Hon sa att jag skulle vänta till måndag och se om de har blivit bättre. Jag fick även köpa receptfria tabletter på apoteket för allergi-utslag typ.
Hoppas de hjälper till att ta bort skiten också. Usch.
It's kinda hard wit you not around
Know you in Heaven smilin' down
Watching us while we pray for you
Everyday we pray for you
Till the day we meet again
In my heart is where I keep you friend
Memories give me the strength I need to proceed
Strength I need to believe
My thoughts, Big, I just can't define
Wish I could turn back the hands of time
Still can't believe you're gone
Give anything to hear half your breath
I know you still livin' your life after death
Jag saknar dig pappa.
Hoppas de hjälper till att ta bort skiten också. Usch.
It's kinda hard wit you not around
Know you in Heaven smilin' down
Watching us while we pray for you
Everyday we pray for you
Till the day we meet again
In my heart is where I keep you friend
Memories give me the strength I need to proceed
Strength I need to believe
My thoughts, Big, I just can't define
Wish I could turn back the hands of time
Still can't believe you're gone
Give anything to hear half your breath
I know you still livin' your life after death
Jag saknar dig pappa.